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School Counseling

The Deer Lakes School Counseling Services Department offers a variety of support services for our students.

Dedicated counselors work with students, families and staff to assist in the academic planning, college and career development and personal/social growth for each student. Our goal is to provide assistance, encouragement and support for students as they develop and prepare for their future.

School CounselingSchool Counseling


Work Experience
 Grade 12     1.00 Credit      Level 1     Course # 2711

This is a one-year program offered to seniors only.  Through cooperative education, the students with specific career objectives are matched with a related employment while they attend occupationally oriented classroom instruction. Technical skill instruction and competencies developed by the student, teacher and employer take place at the work-site.

Peer-to-Peer Mentoring
 Grades 10-12    .50 Credit     Level 1     Course # 2712

Schools that follow an inclusive model help to promote respectful, meaningful, and supportive relationships.  Students without disabilities would be scheduled to attend a class with a student with disabilities in order to help provide a more inclusive school environment.  Students will be required to complete: 

• Application process:  2 teacher recommendation letters, personal statement
• Accepted students will attend an orientation on disabilities
• Will attend class and provide support (assist with note taking, writing down assignments, keeping student on task, answering questions, etc.)
• Will be required to complete a weekly journal assignment and submit to faculty member. 
• Attend monthly meetings during the school day with a faculty member.

Online Courses
Deer Lakes students have the opportunity to take an online course through the Lancer Academy.  These courses provide the student a chance to experience an online course as well as an opportunity to take a course that is not offered at Deer Lakes.     

Successful online students need the following qualities:

• Self-motivation and self-discipline
• Good keyboarding skills
• The ability to “see the big picture” and breakdown your work accordingly
• Work from written directions
• Communicate well through writing
• Accept critical thinking and decision-making as part of the learning process
• Complete assignments on time and take responsibility for your learning
• Log onto your courses everyday and participate regularly

The student needs to realize that some of the work may need to be completed outside of school.  

Students will be assigned a study hall with access to a computer for their coursework.  However, students will be required to have computer access at home due to the fact that historically online coursework proves to be more difficult for students than traditional face-to-face courses or that students have limited study halls in their schedules.

Please be aware of the following:

• Students will be financially responsible for the course
• Parental consent is required
• All online courses are a level one course, with the exception of Advanced Placement Courses.
• The credit (s) earned will count towards graduation as an elective credit 
• Only final grades will appear on the report cards 
• Final grades will be counted towards the students GPA and class rank
• Students will only be allowed to drop the class within the first 2 weeks of the class 
• Students will not be allowed to add a class for the next school year after August 1st 

Concurrent Enrollment
Deer Lake’s juniors and seniors may be eligible to take classes at the Community College of Allegheny County, Penn State University, Point Park University and Indiana University of Pennsylvania.  After high school graduation, students can continue their education at those schools or transfer the credits earned to another college or university. Outstanding performance at CCAC, Penn State, Point Park,  or IUP may improve a student's odds of acceptance at selective institutions. Many students take advantage of introductory courses to various majors.

All schools provide a coordinator to assist students in course selection and provide other supportive services, including monitoring student performance and administering placement tests. Students may take any classes offered at CCAC, Penn State, Point Park and IUP provided they meet course prerequisites. Placement testing is required for English and mathematics courses. 

For the Community College of Allegheny County:  Students take their required high school courses in the afternoon, and attend CCAC at the beginning of the day. Students may be required to provide their own transportation to CCAC North Campus, which is located on Route 19 in the North Hills. If classes are scheduled outside the Deer Lakes bus schedule, the student will be responsible for his or her own transportation. 

For Penn State University:  Students may attend Deer Lakes either in the AM or PM.  Classes at Penn State’s New Kensington campus may be scheduled for the other part of the student’s day.  Transportation and tuition costs are the responsibility of the student’s.  The Dual Enrollment program offers juniors and seniors the opportunity to take college courses and earn college credits while still in high school.

For Point Park University:  Students may be able to to receive Point Park credits while attending Deer Lakes High School.  The Dual Enrollment program offers juniors and seniors the opportunity to take college courses and earn college credits while still in high school. 
For Indiana University of Pennsylvania: Students may attend Deer Lakes for their high school courses either in the AM or PM.  The other part of the day the student may attend IUP.  Transportation is the responsibility of the students.  Students may also take classes in the summer between their junior and senior years as well as in the evening during the school year.  Some courses may be taken via the Internet.  

To be eligible for the Concurrent Enrollment program, students must have the recommendation of their counselor, and have a GPA of at least 3.00. Students must have demonstrated their educational commitment through high school attendance and performance. Students and their families are responsible for the tuition.  Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA at CCAC or IUP.  Students who are attending a Dual Enrollment Program may be required to provide their own transportation.

Dual Enrollment: Allegheny County Fire Academy
Grade 10-12              1.00 Elective Credit          Level 1  Course # 2713

Deer Lakes High School has partnered with the Allegheny County Fire Academy to offer students the opportunity to become trained firefighters through a dual enrollment experience. The mission of the Fire Academy is to provide “the highest level of training for fire, rescue, hazardous materials management, terrorism response, and certification programs to emergency response teams within the county and the region. Training is provided through a program of curriculum development and delivery, which meets Pennsylvania State Fire Academy and the National Fire Academy standards and accreditation criteria. Courses and field exercises designed to replicate real emergencies are necessary to ensure a competent, efficient, and effective emergency response organization.”
Students that enroll with the Allegheny County Fire Academy will report trainingto train on 14 predetermined dates per school year. Training will last from 8:30am-1:30pm. Students will be awarded 1 elective credit for yearly participation in the academy. A parent/student orientation held in September is required to officially enroll in the program. The orientation date will be shared with students who request the course in their Skyward account at the beginning of each school year once it becomes available. For more information about the Fire Academy, please visit this link for Firefighting Training.
*NOTE: Registration deadlines and necessary paperwork listed on the website do not apply to Deer Lakes students. All paperwork will be completed during the scheduled orientation.